Baked Goat Cheese Salad

Baked Goat Cheese Salad

1 minute read

This salad is a perfect meal or popular starter, which is easy to make and will impress your family and friends. This salad provides plenty of energy as it is packed with vital nutrients and flavour.
Bake Goat Cheese Salad
Chop spinach, rocket or your favorite mixed lettuces, and tomatoes. 
Sauté green beans in a pan with olive oil. 
In a large bowl pour in vinaigrette. Then add lettuces, tomatoes, green beans, walnuts and some sea salt and pepper to taste.
Mix together so that everything is thoroughly combined. 
Slice goat cheese and place on a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Place in the oven at 180 C for a few minutes. Keep an eye on the cheese and when golden brown remove the cheese from the oven.
On plates, add salad and top off with a piece of toast and a slice of baked goat cheese.
To finish, drizzle honey around the edges of your plate and some balsamic glaze across the top of your salad. Ready to serve!
In need of a vinaigrette recipe? Why not try making our delicious French Vinaigrette Dressing!

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